Focusing Institute Summer School, August 14th – August 20th, 2015 at The Garrison Institute, Garrison, NY.
Greg will join a team of four other international Focusing teachers to present this 6-day summer school on the beautiful shores of the Hudson River.
Dr. Greg Madison’s morning course on: Grounded in a Sense of Self while Working with Another. Practicing Focusing-Oriented Therapy, Counseling, Spiritual Direction or Coaching etc.
Focusing-oriented helping professionals need to develop the sensitivity of being deeply connected to self and deeply connected with the client at the same time. We develop the extra muscle of being guided by the felt sense of self, our felt sensing of the other, and our sensitivity to the concrete feeling of our being-together in order to ground our practice in an experiential dimension. This group is open to anyone who would like to explore the integration of this Focusing sensitivity into their work with clients. More