Apple podcast:
What happens when discipline backfires?
What happens when we drive ourselves into burnout, eating disorders, and struggles with mental health?
When people used to talk with me about developing a better relationship with myself, and better relationship with food, I rejected those ideas because I was scared to lose my discipline which at the time I thought was my greatest asset.
I believed my ability to force myself through challenges was the best thing about me.
My physical and mental health was suffering, and my career and financial stability were completely shot, yet the idea of being kinder to myself was something I continued to reject because I didn’t believe being kinder to myself would produce great results.
I thought that If I lost that internal fire that was driving me, I’d be losing a part of myself.
This is something that comes up in today’s episode of the M. Kain Coaching Podcast as Dr Madison and I talk about developing a better relationship with ourselves, and how that can benefit rather than detract from everything that we’re working for and passionate about.